Profitable Ideas Exchange

The Challenge

As an organization, PIE created a strategic DEI initiative with the goal of creating an organizational culture of inclusion and belonging for its growing company and wanted to incorporate external expertise to support the foundational development.

After interviewing and speaking with several DEI experts, PIE entered into a partnership with Shakti Diversity and Equity Training to help guide them as they advance the defined strategic initiative and support their vision to be an inclusive company full of people who are interesting, fun, smart, and inspiring

01 My Plan


To help PIE cultivate a culture of inclusion and belonging, Cindu developed training solutions that helped to foster inclusive, interculturally intelligent, and equity-minded employees. Cindu designed three custom companywide DEI workshops tailored to the PIE organization. All workshops strived to strengthen the inclusive leadership competencies of employees at all levels of the organization. The first workshop was focused on understanding the foundations of DEI, the second workshop was designed to increase intercultural intelligence and inclusive communication skills, and the final workshop was focused on disrupting the common barriers to inclusive workplace cultures. These 3.5-hour workshops were carefully curated to build off one another and were offered over nine months. Each workshop was interactive, rooted in theory and data, and included post-workshop homework and follow-up discussions to ensure that the conversations that began in each workshop continued throughout the organization.

The learning experiences allowed PIE employees to build inclusive communication skills that could be applied to interactions with their colleagues as well as the clients PIE serves.

02 Execution

Getting it done

PIE employees demonstrated their commitment and dedication to collectively cultivating a culture of inclusion by actively participating in the interactive learning experience. A period of two months was given between each workshop for the DEI teachings to be reflected on, discussed, and fully applied. All workshops were held via the Zoom platform and break-out rooms and larger group discussions took place during all workshop sessions.

PIE employees were required to engage in critical thinking, self-reflection, team work, and engaged in some intentionally designed uncomfortable conversations that worked to increase cohesion, and inclusion, and foster personal and professional growth.

03 Results

Shared language and frameworks to discuss DEI as an organization

PIE leaders shared that they found the workshops to be incredibly valuable. They were especially grateful that the professional development experience provided The Pack (as they affectionately refer to the workforce) with a common language and shared DEI framework. With all employees starting from the same foundational framework, the training provided psychological safety to continue the conversations outside of the workshops.

 A PIE employee exclaimed, “We all now have the same references and shared language…[allowing us] to show up for one another and use shared DEI references. That has been incredibly effective and powerful.” The safe space created through attendance at the workshops empowered the employees to challenge each other in ways that help drive inclusion forward.

A commitment to continuous DEI learning and infusing DEI into the structure of the organization

The organization has continued to drive DEI initiatives forward beyond the workshop series.

PIE is committed to continuing the conversation that fosters an inclusive culture and sense of belonging at work. Internally, PIE is convening monthly cohorts of people to informally engage around DEI topics together as a team. Additionally, a quarterly DEI book club convenes to discuss non-fiction books around DEI issues and works of fiction by authors from historically underrepresented communities. Other internal initiatives, such as The More You Know sessions, are designed to offer resources and additional learning opportunities related to DEI topics.

A member of PIE’s internal Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Belonging (JDEB) leadership team shared that in “terms of how we run our business, the companywide DEI workshops with Cindu have positively impacted our strategic initiatives” and workforce.

Since the workshop series concluded, the organization has refined their strategy based on four very specific pillars around commitment to clients, colleagues, the company, and the community, ensuring DEI awareness and intention is prominent throughout. The pillars define how PIE conducts business—from client-facing initiatives to a commitment to hiring under-represented demographics.

Additionally, the member of PIE’s internal JDEB team remarked, “this training was integral for showcasing how important DEI is to our people. It is clear that we know and understand that our company exists in a broader atmosphere, in a broader environment—culturally, socially, and politically—and our employees have spoken very loud and clear that it's important to at least acknowledge that environment and do something to help that environment be better.”

Approaching the business through the lens of Inclusion

The Shakti workshop series equipped PIE leadership and employees with a deepened understanding of inclusion that is now applied to decision-making within the organization. The training provided the organization with a lens of inclusivity, helping to inform how the organization is writing policy and approaching human resource practices leading to increased retention. PIE has implemented practices to help address and mitigate bias in the hiring and training processes and added questions to internal surveys, stay, and exit interviews to gauge the employee’s perception of its efforts.

A member of PIE’s management team exclaimed, “PIE now has this tool, this lens of inclusivity, where we can look at what we're doing, what we're saying, how we're acting, and apply that lens” to ensure we are promoting a culture of inclusivity.

A demonstrated collective commitment to DEI

PIE is committed to being a Lever for Good in its local communities to give back and help create a more inclusive Bozeman. Applying its flagship service, professionally facilitated conversations, PIE curated a community roundtable focused on discussions about DEI in the Gallatin Valley, and across Montana, a commitment they continue to formally convene on a frequent cadence. It consists of a group of thought leaders from local businesses who engage in conversation related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as related to professional organizational development. Participants share best practices, challenges, and lessons learned to strengthen and refine their DEI competencies. This has proven to be a great resource for the participating organizations and helps to ensure that DEI continues to be part of the DNA of PIE. Additionally, PIE has recently established guidelines for performing pro-bono and discounted impact work and committed to pay it forward delivering several projects each year in the local community. As an example, over the last year, the organization partnered with community leaders to provide facilitated discussion or training to help disrupt food insecurity, activate inclusive initiatives within the mountain sports community, and generate conversation around the impact of unaffordable housing on the hospitality industry. PIE offers tangible benefits that enable its employees to contribute to building an inclusive community such as paid volunteer time, an employee designated corporate giving award equal to $200 per full-time employee, and a charitable donation benefit empowering each employee to designate $200 to any non-governmental organization that resonates with them.

PIE’s commitment to cultivating a sense of community and inclusion within and outside of their organization illustrates that DEI has become an integral value and pillar of the organization. Profitable Ideas Exchange has done an excellent job of unlocking the potential of DEI education and using that education to create agents of change who can help to transform their organization and community for the better.

A PIE Director noted, having a continuous training program allowed employees to reflect on the topics over time and demonstrated PIE’s investment in DEI initiatives to the workforce. “The longevity of the program had an impact on how we approached our organizational programming.”


PIE’s commitment to creating an inclusive, just, and diverse organization is and will remain a top priority for company leaders and employees. Intentional diversity initiatives ensure progress and accountability within the organization. PIE’s internal DEI commission helps to drive those initiatives ensuring that PIE is a diverse, inclusive, and equitable place to work and a business that infuses DEI into its infrastructure.

 Profitable Ideas Exchange is a testament that DEI education can lead to increased awareness around these topics and their impacts. Click here to learn more about the dynamic services, culture, and people of PIE.


Client Feedback

Tom McMakin- CEO of PIE

“Introducing Cindu to our team was a choice we would make a hundred times over. Her teachings are digestible for people at all different stages of their DEI journey, laying the foundation for delving deeper into diversity, equity, and inclusion-- not only at a company level but on an individual level as well. Cindu was a wonderful speaker, bringing a radiant energy into all of our sessions. Her ability to engage a large group in a conscientious, thought-provoking and vulnerable way was impressive, especially since we elected to do the trainings virtually. We would strongly recommend Cindu to anyone looking to create a more inclusive and aware company culture.”

Renee Storm- Director of Human Resources and Partner at PIE

“We thoroughly enjoyed our time spent learning with Cindu. Her ability to create an inclusive educational environment where our employees could show up and be vulnerable was unmatched. Her approach was a perfect match with our company values; she is refreshingly human. Cindu is a wonderful person and educator all in one!”

“Introducing Cindu to our team was a choice we would make a hundred times over.”

-Tom McMakin- CEO of PIE

Profitable Ideas Exchange acknowledges the historical context of the land they occupy. They live, work, and recreate on the unceded, traditional, ancestral land of more than five indigenous tribes - a widely known meeting and gathering place for Native people. PIE recognizes the violence this land and its peoples endured and continue to endure. They celebrate that this land is still held in reverence. PIE acknowledge that this statement is a small part of the larger, ongoing work of fostering a true reconciliation in disrupting of the legacies of colonialism across Montana and the United States.



Lake County Workforce Development Board